Monday, October 25, 2010


Definition of trend:
The general direction of a market or of the price of an asset (from investopedia).

There are three type of trends:
- Uptrend (see fig. 8)
- Downtrend (see fig. 9)
- Sideways or trendless (see fig. 10)

fig. 8
fig. 9
fig. 10
Here is how to determine the trend:
- uptrend: connect the low to high, high to higher low, higher low to higher high, higher high to higher low and so on (see fig. 11A)
- downtrend: connect the low to high, high to lower low, lower low to lower high, lower high to lower low and so on (see fig. 11B)
- sideways / trendless: connect the low to high, high to equal low, equal low to equal high (see fig. 11C)

fig. 11A, 11B, 11C